Environmental classes

The choice of material and surface coating depends on the specific project, joint, and environment (it is important to consider whether the product will be used in an environment fully exposed to the weather, covered from direct precipitation, or in a closed and dry environment).

By evaluating the usage requirements (the required corrosion resistance) and the environment in which the product will be used, a decision can be made on which corrosion resistance and surface coating would be the most reasonable to use.

Most ACF sheet metal products are made from DX51D steel material with a Z275 zinc coating (275 g/m²).

There is also a selection of products with an added paint layer, galvanized after production, or made from stainless steel. These products have even greater corrosion resistance.

(EN ISO 12944-2)

ClassReduction in zinc coating mass g/m²Zinc thickness loss in microns per yearDescription of environmental conditions
C1less than 0,7less than 0,1Buildings with clean air heating. Offices, schools, shops, etc.
C20,7...50,1…0,7Low air pollution areas. Cold buildings, sports halls, and places where condensation may occur.
C35...150,7…2,1Moderate air pollution urban areas, low salinity coastal areas, manufacturing facilities, laundries, etc.
C415...302,1…4,2High air pollution coastal areas, industrial zones. Chemical plants, swimming pools.
C5-I30...604,2…8,4Coastal and industrial areas with very high humidity and aggressive environments. Buildings with constant water vapor and condensation.
C5-M30...604,2…8,4Environments with very high salinity, aggressive industrial areas.

The amount of zinc coating in g/m² indicates the total amount of zinc on both sides of a 1 m² surface.

The wear of the zinc coating thickness in the service life for class C3;

*) C3 is the most common environmental condition in Estonia.

Zinc coating mass g/m²Average thickness of zinc coating in microns (µm)Lifespan; years

Other factors that affect the service life of galvanized steel products: