Factory Production Control
The certificates of Factory Production Control issued to ACF:
EC certificate of FPC 1336-CPR-0154
EC certificate of FPC 1336-CPR-0155
EC certificate of FPC 1336-CPR-0156
EC certificate of FPC 1336-CPR-0157
EC certificate of FPC 1336-CPR-0166
EC certificate of FPC 1336-CPR-0213
Factory Production Control (FPC) means the continuous internal production control, conducted by the manufacturer.
The ETA (European Technical Assessment) issued to ACF is a prerequisite for the CE marking and it requires that the factory production control must be under continuous external evaluation and monitoring.
FPC combines technical techniques of operation and all measures to ensure and verify the compliance of the products to the product specification. The functionality of the FPC is achieved through the monitoring of measuring devicec, raw material components, machinery, manufacturing equipment and finished products and the usage of the obtained results.
The FPC of Arras OÜ has been certified and the respective certificates are issued by and internationally licensed certification authority Inspecta Estonia OÜ (Notified Body No 1336).
The certificates prove that the initial inspection of the factory has been carried out and thet the manufacturer performs continuous internal monitoring of compliance of the production process.